Tag: cemetery

3 records found
Will. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Location: Fustat. Dating: Unknown. The writer specifies his wishes for his grave and shroud (for which he has also supplicated God all the days of his life). He wishes to be buried in between his father and mother, and the site is already prepared for his body. Once he is buried, an edifice should be built over it and painted white. The shroud should have ẓiẓit on it.
Announcement for the observance of the Day of Geniza for clusters of texts in the Bassatine Cemetery – 18 December 1949CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 2) – in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 34). A scan of this fragment is available in Al-Janiza wa-l-maʿābid al-Yahūdiyya fī Miṣr (p.155) and there may be a second copy of the same announcement in the possession of the MIAC as shelfmark 200. MCD.
Permit from the Egyptian Jewish community for building a tomb 2.2 x 1.75 meters in size – November 14 1953CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 266) – in Arabic. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 60). MCD.