Tag: cheque

67 records found
Cheque of Abū Zikrī Kohen.
Cheque / order of payment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 10 Kislev 1530 Seleucid, which is December 1218 CE. The beadle Abū l-Ṭāhir is to pay the bearer, Abū l-Faraj al-Ziftāwī (i.e., from Minyat Zifta), from the [...] of al-Shaykh al-M[...], some money for his maintenance during his illness. There is an addendum: "He said that he paid him 3.5 (dirhams) in cash."
Cheque in the hand of Abu Zikri ha-Kohen. See Goitein Nachlass material linked below.
Verso: Cheque by Abū Zikrī Kohen. The banker Abū l-Khayr Khiyār is to pay the bearer 25 dinars. Dated: Tishrei 1447 Seleucid, which is 1135 CE.
Verso: Cheque written and signed by Abū Zikrī Kohen. Dated: Tishrei 1454 Seleucid, which is 1142 CE. Abū l-Khayr Khiyār is to pay the price of the pepper, namely, 8 dinars.
An Abu Zikri Kohen cheque.
Money order. In Arabic script with a Hebrew 'emet' at the top. Abū l-Faraj is asked to pay 2.5 dirhams to the bearer Sayyid Muḥammad (or Bū Majd?). Information from Goitein's note card.
Verso: order of payment by Abū Zikrī Kohen for one half raṭl of soap and the same of perfume. Information from CUDL.
Order of payment for the Melammed Ḥasan to pay the bearer, al-Shaykh Manṣūr, three dirhams.
Order of payment in dirhams. Verso contains Arabic jottings. (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment signed by Abū Zikrī Kohen. (Information from CUDL)
An Abū Zikrī Kohen order of payment.
Order of payment for 5 dinars signed by Abū Zikrī Kohen, dated Nisan 1455 (= 1144 CE). The banker’s name is Abū l-Faraj al-Kohen and Abū Zikrī writes וכתב before his signature, which is atypical. The cheque is crossed through with vertical lines. Arabic jottings on verso. (Information from CUDL)
Verso: order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay the bearer 2 dinars for an eighth of a measure of raisins. Dated: Av 1451 Seleucid, which is 1140 CE.
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay the bearer 4 dinars and a half and an eighth of a dinar in cash (ʿayn) for grapes. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay the household of Abū l-Makārim 5 dinars. Dated Av 14[51] (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay the household of al-Riyānī, in cash, 2 and a half dinars (and following that another) half dinar. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). A note at the upper left states ‘total of 3 dinars’. (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay for grapes one dinar and one half and one third in cash. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay Abū Saʿid 5 dinars in cash. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay Rīḥān 2 dinars in cash. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)