Tag: church

2 records found
T-S 13J22.6 was published By Gil, Palestine, #404. It is the left hand side of the letter. T-S 13J7.6 is the right hand side of the same letter, published by Gil (transcription of the whole document) in his 1991 article of corrections and additions to his 3-volume Palestine. This is a letter of complaint to Avraham ha-Kohen b. Yiṣḥaq b. Furat (mid 11th century). The writers complains about the Christian governor Ibn Gorgas who built a church next to a mosque, a controversy arose, and now the Jews are in danger.
Legal document in Arabic script. Record of a donation. Faraḥ b. Natan b. ʿAllūn donates a newly erected olive oil press with a mill wheel of Ḥawrānī stone. Boundaries include: a street leading to the market of Banū Wāʾil (on the Nile, SW of Qaṣr al-Shamʿ); also mentions the church of St. Sergius (kanīsat Bū Sarja), al-Ḥadīd lane, and "the two rows" (al-Ṣaffayn). (Information from Khan and Goitein’s index card.)