Tag: courtier

3 records found
Letter from Moshe b. Yiṣḥaq, the Karaite, Jerusalem, to one of the Karaite notables in Fustat, around 1040. He reports having received one dinar that Abu Sa'id Ya'qub b. Ibrahim had sent with Abu Sa'id b. al-Sha''ab (another Ibn al-Sha''ab is mentioned in T-S 16.134, v23-24). Information from Goitein's note card (attached to PGPID 6204) and Gil.
Letter from Daniel b. ʿAzarya (Damascus) to the court physician Avraham b. Iṣḥaq b. al-Furāt (Fustat). Daniel b. ʿAzarya congratulates the addressee on his transfer to Fustat from Ramla and reports that letters from the Ramla people sent together with a letter by the addressee were lost. The writer promises to act in favour of a cantor Yefet b. David from Fustat. Daniel b. ʿAzarya expresses gratitude for a robe of honour that Avraham b. Iṣḥaq obtained for him from the vizier. He mentions his troubles in the past year and his plans to travel to Jerusalem. Daniel b. ʿAzarya also asks the addressee to intervene for him with Qadi Abi Muhammad and more generally to act on his behalf in Fustat so that the authorities there exert influence on the people in Palestine. (Information from Goitein notes and index card linked below and Gil, Palestine, Vol. 2, pp. 662-663.)
Letter from Moshe b. Yiṣḥaq the Qaraite, in Jerusalem, to Shemuel b. ʿAzarya b. Mevasser, one of the leaders of the Qaraites in Fustat, Dating: ca. 1044 CE. Reporting on the state of the barley crop (for calendrical purposes) among other matters.