Tag: damsis

7 records found
List of items of clothing with their prices. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Letter to the community of Damsis from Avraham Hakohen, recommending a ertain person. Letter from the Nasi is mentioned and also mentioned Abu Ishaq
Get (bill of divorce) dated November 1041 CE (Kislev 4802), from Dam[sīs]. Yosef b. Sūq[..] divorces Sutayt bt. Aharon. Signed by Shemuel b. Avraham and Seʿadya b. Maymūn.
Legal document (validation/qiyyum). Fragmentary (right side only). In the hand of Avraham b. Natan Av. Concerning people such as: [...] b. [...] from Damsīs, Barakāt b. [...], [...] b. Berakhot, Yosef b. [...], [...] b. Ḥalfon ha-Ḥaver, [...] ha-Mumḥe, Avraham b. […], and Avraham b. Ḥal[fon]. (Information from Goitein's notes.) EMS (probably written by Avraham b. Nathan Av [Date: 1094-1115]) AA
Letter from Daniel Cafsuto (aka Cassuto) and Shemuel Cafsuto (aka Cassuto) to a certain Saʿīd (or the son of Saʿīd), possibly Saʿīd Bardaʿ, in Fustat/Cairo. Daniel’s letter is in Ladino; Shemuel (Daniel’s brother or son?) used the space on the lower left for his own addendum in Hebrew. Dated: 15 Av 5473 AM, which is 1713 CE. The senders are relatively well-known: see BL OR 5544.13 and see Adonella Cedarmas, Per la cruna del mondo: Carlo Camucio e Moisé Vita Cafsuto, due pellegrini nella Terra Santa del Settecento, p. 294 (and references there). They may be writing from Safed (line 11), but this is not certain. Daniel offers congratulations on the birth of a son to a certain Moshe. He asks the addressee to be diligent in the matter of the 50 gurush. The addressee is to send the money to Damietta c/o Yosef Mugnani. The city of Damsīs is also mentioned. Other people involved are Yosef Pereṣ, Shelomo ʿAfīfī, Khalīfa, and a certain Felipe. Shemuel’s shorter letter opens with greetings to his dear sister (perhaps the addressee’s wife?), a rebuke for failing to write any letters ever since he had traveled and especially for failing to send any of the money owed (currency: reales). ASE
Letter from Avraham b. Natan Av ha-Yeshiva, probably Fusṭāṭ, to the cantor Yiṣḥaq b. Avraham, Damsīs. Much of the letter has to do with Avraham asserting his authority, including issuing a stern warning to a man named Ziyād ("this is a donkey's name") in Shubrā Damsīs who is to cease and decist from slaughtering birds, otherwise he will be prosecuted. Avraham also tells the addressee to sell the goods (? tarika) of R. Matitya and send the earnings with Ṣabāh or whomever else from the merchants. Avraham has already received the value of Matitya's goods that had been left behind in Damīra.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Quite faded. Mentions that all slaughtering in Damsīs has been put on hold; asks the addressee to obtain a fatwā in response to some query; mentions Ibn al-Munajjim; mentions an illness.