Tag: david i maimonides

4 records found
Letter about the birth of David, the grandson of Maimonides, early 13th century (ca. 1226).
Letter from an otherwise unknown Avraham b. Yosef to the relatively well-known Abū l-Faḍā'il Ḥayyim b. Ḥananel, who was the son of the judge Ḥananel b. Shemuel (active ca.1211–49), and therefore the brother-in-law of Avraham Maimonides (1186–1237). See Fenton's article for other documents involving Ḥayyim b. Ḥananel. This letter consists almost entirely of deferent formalities and greetings. The writer sends regards to the addressee's father, R. Ḥananel, to the Nagid David I Maimonides (given ~30 titles) and to David's brothers ʿOvadya (1228–65) and the physician Abū l-Faḍl (from this Fenton deduces that Goitein was correct in suggesting that Avraham Maimonides had three sons: David, ʿOvadya, and Abū l-Faḍl). He also sends regards to "your associate (sharīk) al-Shaykh al-Sadīd," probably a physician; to Abū l-Barakāt Waliyy al-Dawla; and to another associate, al-Mawlā al-A[. .]d. In the margin, he reports that he has obtained the garments that Abū l-Faḍl had ordered, and that he will send them for the holiday as soon he finds a reliable messenger, or he will bring them himself. Information from Fenton's edition and discussion. ASE.
Letter addressed to the Nasi Shelomo b. Yishay-Jesse from the town of Bilbays containing local news and sending greetings to the Nagid David b. Avraham b. Moshe Maimonides and members of his family.
Letter mentioning R. Hananel he-Hasid, written in the time of David Maimonides I. (Information from Paul Fenton, Tarbiz 55 [1956], p. 78) VMR