Tag: dinar

4 records found
A letter from Faraḥ b. Ismaʿīl, probably in Fustat, to his father Ismaʿīl b. Faraḥ in Alexandria. Ca. 1057. Faraḥ b. Ismaʿīl writes that he is sending a pouch of dinars with the bearer of the letter and asks his father to exchange them for a different currency. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 3, p. 691.)
Business letter from Abū al-Surūr b. David (al-Mahdiyya) to his cousin Abū al-Afrāḥ ʿArūs b. Yosef (Fustat), ca. 1095. The writer sent to the recipient 100 Murābiṭī dinars, worth 267 less 1/3 dinars in the currency of al-Mahdiyya, and now gives instructions to buy jewellery. His other purchase requests from Fustat are for indigo, blue and green “fayyūmī clothes, pearls and more. The letter also mentions Abū al-Surūr’s purchases in al-Mahdiyya, including that of lapiz lazuli for which he was unable to find a buyer and intended to send it to Sicily. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 4, p. 312.)
Letter from an unknown sender to Yosef b. ʿEli Kohen Fāsī, ca. 1060. The sender confirms receiving a pouch of dinars and writes about his plans to sell faulty dinars at a loss and buy Nizārī dinars instead. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 4, p. 605.)
Shipping certificate from Nahray b. Nissim probably to Moshe b. Yahya al-Majani. Around 1065. Detailed the coins that were in a coin packet. Verso: Details about several dinar amounts, as well as the name b. al-Majani. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #301) VMR