Tag: distribution

6 records found
Recto: Distribution list in Judaeo-Arabic. In a Byzantine hand? Lists dozens upon dozens of people, including a large proportion of women and people such as 'the chronically ill women' and 'the chess player' (line 11), 'Kali the Byzantine woman and her daughter' (line 13), 'the woman from Ṣahrajt' (6 lines from the bottom). On verso there are accounts in Arabic script introduced by wa-ḥaṣala, so perhaps this part is a revenue/donation list. Needs further examination.
Distribution of wheat to Byzantines (thabat al-Rūm). Belongs with T-S K15.113. Dating: ca. 1100–40 CE.
Distribution list. The names are written mainly in Arabic script along with weights (e.g., raṭl, raṭl wa-nuṣf). Names include Umm Zuhayr, R. Ṣadaqa (רֿ صָدָقة!), the teacher, the orphans, Nuṣayr b. Mūsā, Hiba, etc.
Distribution list. Two columns are preserved here. Mentions several orphans, immigrants (e.g., Shemarya Rūmī), and women (e.g., Umm ʿAbīd and her female neighbor).
Recto: Distribution list for cash and wheat for the poor of the Rabbanites, administered by the ḥaver (al-ḥibr) [...] and Yaʿqūb al-[...]. This is a massive document, written in Arabic script, possibly in imitation of a chancery document, quite unlike the other known distribution lists from this period. About 55 lines are preserved, listing dozens of alms recipients, many of them blind. This document was subsequently cut up to form (at least) 3 folios, which were then reused for a halakhic text in the hand of Efrayim b. Shemarya. Merits further examination. ASE
Distribution list for public charity. In Judaeo-Arabic, transitioning to Arabic script on verso. Dating: Perhaps ca. 13th century, but that is a guess. There are markings next to many of the names, perhaps indicating whether or what they received. There are numerous diminutive forms and some interesting profession names. The beneficiaries include: Abū Yaʿqūb; Barhūn; Abū Zikrī; גזוק; Mūsā; Abū Sahl; Ibn al-ʿAjamī; Surayr; Ṣudayqa; Buraykāt and his mother; מגא; אשוימי; the ear cleaner (munaqqī al-adhān); Ibn Sulaymān; the sons of the killed man; the Kohen; al-maʿārīf; Fuḍayl; Mawhūb; al-jār and his mother; the disabled man (al-muqʿad); the teachers; the blind; Isḥāq; Sulaymān; the Lādhiqī; the Baʿalbakkī; Maḥfūẓ; al-Ramādī; the brother of the disabled man; Khallūf b. al-Dabbāgh; the Baghdadi; the philosopher. The total sum distributed may be given in Arabic script at the bottom left of verso.