Tag: dowry list

22 records found
Dowry list for Hannah bt. Yakov Bibas. This document is undated but specifically titled as a "nota del ashugar" (l.1r) or "note of dowry" in Ladino. On the right margin, a column is titled with "gurushi[m]/גרושי" followed by a numerical value 1500 that is labeled "kontante y boda" which could mean that the monetary dowry alone is valued at 1,500 silver gurushim (or "guruş" in Turkish) before factoring in the value of the itemized material gifts. This seems plausible because once the list ends a final monetary value is offered of 8,500 guruş, which implies that the contents of this "nota de ashugar" are altogether valued at 7,000 guruş. Some of the material gifts listed are: "panyo" (l.12r), "ropa franca" (l.12r), "kamizas... de seda" (l.13r), "estanpa" (l.15r), "fezes mughrabis" (l.15-16r), "sabanas" (l.25r) (or in English: cloth, French clothing, silk shirts, stamp, Maghribi Fez hats, and bedsheets) MCD.
Dowry list (taqwīm). The groom may be Yeshuʿa ha-Kohen b. Ḥalfon. The bride may be [... bt.] Seʿadya. There are 12 items listed. There is also some practically illegible text on verso.
Probably a dowry list, quite faded.
A dowry list of the couple Yefet b. Binyamin and Sirwa d. Khalaf. On verso an Arabic letter or document. AA
Dowry list and the beginning of a pre nuptial agreement - needs examination. Image not available?
A ketubah dated Tuesday, 28th Sivan, 142[.] which can fit to 1111 or 1115. The groom father's name is Yehuda and the bride is Turfa d. Yefet. Most of the preserved text contains the dowry list. AA
A fragment of a dowry list. Location: al-Maḥalla. Bride: Milāḥ (מלאח). On verso a colophon: a collection of Biblical verses for 9th Av, by Zakkāy b. Moshe who was a dayyan in al-Maḥalla 1127–50 CE. For a list of books in his library see Allony, The Jewish Library, no. 27 (TS NS 298.9). AA
Marriage contract (ketubba). Two fragments, which may not directly join with each other. Dated: [13]99 Seleucid, which is 1087/88 CE. Groom: Yefet b. Menashshe. Bride: Mawlāt bt. Mevasser, a divorcee. Written by Hillel b. ʿEli (dates: 1066–1108). Signed by ʿEli ha-Parnas and Meshullam b. [...] (Information in part from CUDL.) AA. ASE.
Small and much damaged fragment, probably from the dowry list section of a ketubah, written by Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi. AA
Dowry list, probably part of a ketubah, written by Mevorakh b. Nathan (Date: 1151- 1181). Much faded and damaged. AA
A list of item, mostly textiles, might be from a dowry list, written by Halfon b. Manashese Halevi
Very damaged and faded marriage agreement written by Mevurakh b. Nathan (Date: 1150-1181). Some lines from the dowry list is visible, and also few of the commonly found conditions such as the trustworthy and the monogamy clause. AA
Probably from a marriage agreement. Mostly contains dowry list. In a very crude hand- (might be by Efraim b. Shemaria )
Minute fragment from a list of items, might be from a dowry list, written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138)
Minute fragment from a dowry list written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138)
Minute fragment from a list of items, probably dowry list, written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138).
Very damaged list of items, probably a dowry list. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138)
Beginning of the ketubah of Avraham b. Yosef and Husn. Some of the dowry list is preserved. AA
On recto- fragment from a list of items of dowry list. On verso short Arabic note- Needs examination
Late. On the right page a few lines from a prenuptial agreement, the groom's name is Shelomo and the bride is Sol. This is her 2nd marriage and she has a son and daughter from her 1st marriage. Her 1st husband will support them. few lines of the dowry list are preserved. The year is not preserved. On the last page a list, maybe of items, but not necessarily connected to the right page. AA