Tag: drinking

3 records found
State petition regarding a Maghribī Jewish trader caught drinking with a Muslim woman and imprisoned. Cuts off right before the request: there arrived from the official who imprisoned them three sealed documents (khawātim khātim min qabl Munajjat al-Dawla) ... possibly to do with the jizya, a pretext for imprisoning them for moral offenses (?), suggesting that the trader was conspicuous and respectable, or his moral infractions might not have drawn attention. See also T-S NS J286, in which a man travels from Ceuta to Bijāya, Algeria, where the sāḥib al-Bijāya asks him how is related to a woman who is with him. (There is a ṣāḥib al-shūrṭa in ENA 3901.5, too.) The traveler (never described as a Maghribi trader, but a man from the Maghrib) claims she is his wife, but he has no kitāb to prove this. In T-S NS J286, they confiscate his māl and the man is put in prison with no reference to the woman. Although there is nothing about the three-day drinking binge, it’s plausible that these are the same case, and if not, they pair nicely.
Letter In Judaeo-Arabic. Long and interesting. Mentions a certain פושע, i.e., a convert to Islam; the community of Sahrajt; and an oath (or ban of excommunication) on a Torah scroll or codex. The writer complains that no Jew will drink with him, and he refers to 'those pigs,' perhaps the people who excomunicated him. Abū Saʿīd Khallūf b. al-Ashqar is mentioned.
List of people to be excommunicated ('by name'/באסם). The left halves of ~7 entries are preserved. "In the bar (mashraba) with... and her children... a place with drunk people... between her and them..." With the join, we now have the right halves of 3 of the original entries and the right halves of 2 new entries. 2 of the entries are now complete (if not entirely clear): “Every woman who wraps a turban or braids her hair [….], even in her own house" and "Every man who is able to marry but does not do so because he is too busy with sinful things." ASE