Tag: effendi

2 records found
ENA 1822a.82: Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals that can be dated as c.1732CE through the joins ENA NS 39.2 and ENA NS 27.7. Some of the verso's listed entries begin with the Judeo-Arabic word "wuṣūl / ווצול" which may be listed with a Ladino plural ending as "wuṣūles de" and may indicate incoming payments (l. 5-6v). The verso also lists names, such as: Abd Raḥman and Khalīl Effendi. MCD.
Accounts in Judeo-Arabic with a variety of coinage types including dirham, kuruş (aka guruş) and zingirli– of which the latter two suggest a dating of some time in the eighteenth or early nineteenth century. Some of the entries incude notes indicating people "באסם / in the name of" and on occasion locational notes, such as on the recto "דאלך ענד פלונבו" or "this is at Palonbo's" (l. 8r, 17r in left side of bifolium) or "׳ענד ס׳ לוריא" which is also "at S[eñor] Luria's" (l.16r on right side of bifolium). On the bottom of the recto there is also mention of one "עוסמאן אפנדי" or "Osman Efendi" five lines up from the bottom and Nissim Romano (l. 32r). The verso continues in the same hand and structure of recordkeeping. Date: 18th c or 19th c. MCD.