Tag: eunuch

3 records found
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Long and full of interesting details. Tells a long story on recto concerning a eunuch, the amir Murhaf al-Dawla, the king, and someone named al-Numayrī, and someone and "his slave who is his wife." At the end mentions a woman who fasts and prays for an absent young man (presumably her son). Needs further examination.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Perhaps ca. 13th century. Mentions [Kāti]b al-ʿArab; a matter that was only resolved by bribing one of the eunuchs; the Nagid's owing 20 dirhams to al-ʿAmīd; business in various garments including a turban; Muwaffaq the Qaraite; a shipment that came with a detailed account written down on its 'qirtās'; R. Eliyya; and Abū l-Najm who wanted two blankets. ASE
The Case of the Great/Fat Eunuch: five-part join of a court record from Fustat in the hand of Yefet b. David dealing with a case of inheritance totaling 12,000 dinars and the state's attempt to acquire part of it (via the great/fat eunuch). Names: David b. Aharon ha-Levi, Yiṣḥaq b. Muʾammal, Yaʿaqov b. Avraham (among others). (Information from Oded Zinger and E. Bareket, Shafrir Misrayim, p. 240.)