Tag: flood

3 records found
Incomplete letter from Abun b. Sadaqah, Jerusalem, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. October 1065 according to Gil. Deals with the sale of quarter dinars. Two dinars went to Nahray's uncle Surur b. Sahlan. Describes a flood: "All the people living above and below it were scared. The reservoir (?) overflowed into the cellars (?), and the residents cried out, and I went to the house and witnessed terrible things...." ASE.
Account of the flooding of the Nile. Dated: Elul 1550 Seleucid, which is 1239 CE. The entries are arranged according to the Coptic calendar. See T-S NS J570 for a much earlier example of a similar account. Needs further examination. ASE
Bifolio in Judaeo-Arabic. Perhaps originally from a ledger of business accounts. Containing detailed records about the flooding of the Nile in 1054 CE and 1055 CE, as well as descriptions of the celebration of the opening of the canal (al-Khalīj) by the caliph Maʿadd Abū Tamīm al-Mustanṣir Billāh, the vizier al-Yāzūrī (called Sayyid al-Wuzarāʾ), and the latter's two sons Khaṭīr al-Mulk and Ṣafiyy al-Mulk. The dates are given mainly according to the Islamic and Coptic calendars, but Rosh Hashana and Sukkot (of the year 4815 AM) are also used as reference points. This document is apparently uncited in the literature. See T-S AS 144.187 for a much later example of a similar account. ASE