Tag: guardianship

5 records found
Deed of guardianship given in the court of Eliyyahu Ha-Kohen Gaon b. Shelomo, August 1065.
Deed of guardianship given in the court of Eliyyahu Ha-Kohen Gaon b. Shelomo, August 1065. (Information from Gil, Palestine, Vol. 3, p. 25.)
Legal document fragment dated Tammuz 1009 CE (1320 Seleucid) involving a certain David b. [...], mentioning a guardianship.
Deed of guardianship in the hand of Avraham, son of the Gaon, April or May, 1026, in which Eli b. Yefet (known as Bar ʿAdi), is appointed guardian for the orphans of Moshe ha-Kohen b. Gulayb, who had recently died without making a will, two of whom, a son called Gulayb (a future son-in-law of Efrayim b. Shemarya) and a daughter called Mulk, are already of age, as was established by the late Elkhanan ‘Head of the Row’, while another son, called Mufarraj, is only four years old. Among the witnesses is Yeshuʿa b. Ṣedaqa, and ʿEli is to carry out his guardianship under the scrutiny of Shelomo b. Saʿadya (known as Ibn Ṣagir). (Information from CUDL)
Legal document in which an old woman, appointed by the court as guardian of her grandchildren, receives cash and items left by her son for his children and, as collateral, mortgages her home. Another son of hers agrees to be her guarantor. Dated Elul 1512/August-September 1201. List of the items on recto includes books, cups, and cash. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, pp. 297, 493)