Tag: hama

3 records found
Family letter in Arabic script. The writer mentions visiting Ḥamā (kunt batnazzal ilā Ḥamā); reports that he/she now has three daughters; sends regards to a brother and conveys Ḥamāma's regards as well. On verso there is a ṣiduq ha-din in Hebrew. Dating: The handwriting looks late, perhaps no earlier than 14th century
Letter from Sulaymān al-Skandarī, in Damascus, to his brother-in-law Faraj Allāh Ibn Fāḍil and his wife (the writer's sister), in Cairo. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Unknown. He alludes to various business matters. He writes that he arrived safely in Damascus (and crosses out "Hama" which he originally wrote instead). Needs further examination.
Letter from Avraham Neḥmad to Moshe b. ʿAbd al-Waliyy. Writer and addressee are Qaraites. Written in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. The letter begins with a recommendation for the bearer, Yiṣḥaq al-Ḥamawī. The whole community of Ḥamawīs (people from Hama) in the writer's location is in great distress on account of the capitation tax (jāliya). The continuation of the letter deals with business matters. Verso also contains sums in