Tag: hayya gaon

4 records found
Collection of responsa by R. Hayya Gaon. The first about Deutronomy 18:8, published by Wertheimer, ' קהלת שלמה עמ' פ-פא (תרגום בעמ' כא-כח). The 2nd responsum about cantor in Rosh ha-Shana published ibid, p. 24 (Otzar ha-Geonim, Rosh ha-Shana, p.54, no, 96). Publihsed again by פרידמן, 'השני מתקיע', סידרא – כרך יובל לכבוד פרופ' צ"א שטיינפלד כד–כה (תשס"ט–תש"ע). The 3rd responsum publuished by Wertheimer, ibid. p. 25-26 (Otzar ha-Geonim, Rosh ha-Shana, p.56, no, 101; Teshuvot ha-Geonim [Imanuel] no. 252) All the responsa published again by Wertheimer, Ginzei Yerushalayim, p. 27-32. AA
6 leaves containing Geonic responsa on Sukka followed by a long responsum about giving a herd of sheeps to a shepherd on Shabbat. The first one was published by Wertheimer, קהלת שלמה, p. 50-51, the second ibid, p. 82-89. Fol 1, recto. end of responsum regarding Bavli Sukka 17a. Published in full from TS G2 in Otzar ha-Geonim, Sukka. p. 23-24. In l. 10 another responsum about Sukka 14a. Published ibid, p. 21, no. 40. In l. 12 a new subject within the save responsum citing Sukka 12b, published ibid. p. 20-21, no. 36. On verso another responsum by Sa'adya Gaon, probably by a different scribe, sent to Meir hakohen b. 'Eli, whether it is permitted to a Jew to give is herd to a gentile shepherd in Shabbat. On fol. 2 recto continuation of another responsa on the same subject. Verso l. 7 responsum by R. Nahshon, which we have in a shorter version in Geonei Mizrah u-ma'arav, no. 54. Fol. 4, l. 18 responsum by R. Hayya Gaon. .
Minute fragment from a legal query to Hai Gaon, parallel to Harkavi, number 200. Only few broken lines preserved. Hebrew and Aramaic. AA
The main documentary item under this shelfmark is a copy of a letter from Rav Hayya Gaon to Avraham b. ʿAṭā' the Nagid of Qayrawān. Needs examination.