Tag: heb

23 records found
Very faded, seems like a late literary piece
Short late Hebrew note addressed to Ovadiah regarding purchasing of an unidentified item. AA
Court record regarding real estate. Description of its location and neighbors, In Hebrew. Signed by Avraham Krispin. From the year 1761. AA
Small fragment from a late legal deed regarding payment. AA
Bill of release for part of a debt. Dated: 1 Av 5279 AM, which is 9 July 1519 CE. Location: Possibly Constantinople ("פה קוצטנטינה רבת . . ." appears in the top line, though this is not actually part of the document). The original debt was 23,500 levanim, owed by Yehuda b. Avraham Loya (or rather Leviya = ha-Levi?) to Yehuda b. Yaʿaqov known as Menaḥem. This document certifies that he has paid the remaining balance of 15,950 levanim. Someone named Avraham b. Ḥayyim also acknowledges something related to the debt payment. There are several signatures, all mostly torn away.
A family letter, contains mostly regards from Avraham Sagish to his brother Moshe. 16th century. Published by A. David, Katedra 114, p. 67-68.
Late Hebrew letter. The writer described what he wrote in his former letters, to which he hasn't received any reply. AA
Fragment from a late letter in Hebrew
Fragment of an unknown nature. Could be literary text or a letter. Late. AA
Bill of rent of Shemuel Mataoit 1539-1638.
Fragment from a poetic Hebrew letter. Late. AA
Long late Hebrew letter. The writer is asking for more time to pay his debts?
Letter requesting monetary assistance. Poetic Hebrew. 16th century (data from FGP).
Small and damaged fragment, probably from a draft of a late legal deed.
Probably a colophon on the name of Elazar Masliah
Fragment from the right part of a late letter. Only few words preserved in each line so the content is unclear.
Probably a court record in Hebrew. Late. Damaged and faded.
Much damaged late poetic Hebrew fragment, might be from a letter of appeal.
A letter from Yehuda Tirani to Shimshon b. Shemuel, 17th century. The writer is in a harsh financial situation and has difficulties to pay his debt to Othman, and has been arrested. He is asking the addressee to approach to the minister in order to assist him. (data from FGP by Abraham David)
Short note send from Egyptץ The writer informing that he was taken to the house of the wali and from there to the judge, and suffered heavy loses. (Data by Abraham David in FGP)