Tag: homiletics

3 records found
A sermon in praise of marriage. Twelve advantageous aspects of marriage for men are mentioned, each illustrated by a biblical quotation. Based on BT Yevamot 62b (where only 6 such laudatory aspects are brought together). Written in very large characters. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, 53; V, 312, and Goitein's index cards.) See also Goitein notes linked below(?).
Beautiful sermon in the name of the late Rabbi Pinhas, emphasizing that the Sabbath is the ideal time for joy in God's vicinity and therefore one should refrain from wasting time by taking walks for pleasure in promenades and gardens. Another sermon, which has not been transcribed by Goitein, is inserted in the left margin. (Information from Mediterranean Society, V, pp. 12, 345)
Verso: Text (possibly a sermon) dealing with death, pain after losing a loved one and similar issues, with marginal jottings in Arabic and Hebrew script. (Information from the Cambridge Genizah Research Unit via FGP).