Tag: housing

1 records found
Three court records dealing with the same conflict over bay windows of two confronting houses which were touching. Dated: Tuesday, last decade of Shevaṭ, 1419 Sel. (February 1108). When both houses fell into disrepair and, after many years, one of them was rebuilt, witnesses testify that the alcove of the original house had protruded from the wall by about one cubit. Signed by Avraham b. Shemaʿya. Written by Hillel b. Eli. (Information from Mediterranean Society, IV, pp. 61-62, where he mistakenly cites this as T-S Misc.24.5, for which see PGPID 35229 and Med. Soc. I p. 110. We have retained all index cards and both transcriptions under both PGPIDs.)