Tag: internal

4 records found
Official memorandum with the signature of an official called al-Ḥasan b. Muḥammad. Belongs together with ENA 2697.8 + ENA 2697.9 + T- S Ar.31.58 + T-S Ar.30.245, but it's not clear precisely how. Join: Marina Rustow.
Bottom part of a decree of a Fatimid Amīr titled Surūr al-Malikī to a provincial governor or fiscal official, dated 2 Jumâda II, no year. Concerns collection of the kharāj on the refining of sugarcane (qaṣab) and taro (qulqās) in the village of Jawjar, where there was a press. The men of a high official (amīr muntakhab) titled Dhukhr al-Mulk wa-Sadīduhā (Treasure and Bulwark of the Realm) should be allowed to collect tax as the latter sees fit, while allowing the iqṭāʿ holders their income. Glued at top to a Judaeo-Arabic letter (see separate entry).
State document: A set of responses to petitons (?). Join: Marina Rustow. T-S Ar.31.58 is dated 507. Possibly related to BL OR 5553.1 + BL OR 5553.2 + T-S Ar.51.49 + BL OR 5553A.1 + BL OR 5553A.2.
Decree to a lower official commanding him to retrieve bricks and everything belonging to the government from a certain location (a ruined mosque?); and from other ruined mosques; and to assert the government's authority over the aforementioned mill.