Tag: investment

16 records found
Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated September 1829 (end of Elul 5589). Missing a large chunk from the upper left. It seems to be a record of an investment with the merchant Yosef Menashshe.
4 pages from a ledger of copies of 17 different legal documents (witness names appear in the hand of the scribe). All are from the end of 1714 or the beginning of 1715 CE. The descriptions below follow the order as they appear in the FGP scans.Page 1, Document #1: Neḥemias b. Shemuel and Mordekhai Ortas b. Yaʿaqov acknowledge that they have received an investment of 13 Seville (? שביליאנוס) reales and 12 muayyadis from Ḥanũnah the wife of Shemuel Masʿūd. From Fustat/Cairo, dated January 1715 (beginning of Shevat 5475). Page 1, Document #2: Yiṣḥaq Asad (?) acknowledges an investment from a woman named מריית (?), the widow of Yaʿaqov Alarcon. Witnessed by Yaʿaqov b. Ḥabīb. Dated January 1715 (beginning of Shevat 5475). Page 1, Document #3: Partnership agreement between Gavriel Afinah (?) and Yehudah known as [...] b. Ḥabīb and Yaʿaqov Fayrūz, dated January 1715 (beginning of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Raḥamim Ḥotev (?). Page 2, Document #1: Appointment of Yaʿaqov ha-Levi as guardian of the boy Shalom b. Avraham Ashkenazi. Dated December 1714 (end of Kislev 5475). Page 2, Document #2: Some sort of business agreeement between Shemuel ha-Levi known as Baqbash (?) and Barukh Kampanton known as Maṣliaḥ. Dated January 1715 (middle of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Shelomo Zeraḥyah. Page 2, Document #3: Some sort of agreement between Khalīfah ʿAfīfī and Shelomo the son (?) of the late Yaʿaqov Alarcon, perhaps involving a partnership and inheritance. Yaʿaqov b. Ḥabīb is also appointed the guardian of a young Eliyyahu. Page 3, Document #1: Possibly a rental contract? It has to do with the two apartments owned by Simḥah the widow of Raḥamim Rasa, across from the apartment of Barzilai (?) Tio (?) the Shohet, and someone named Moshe Yeshurun. Dated January 1715 (beginning of Shevat 5475). Page 3, Document #2: ʿAmram Ibn Hini (?) b. Moshe acknowledges an investment from the judge Yeshuʿah Shusṭari (?). Dated January 1715 (beginning of Shevat 5475). Page 3, Document #3: Yosef Porto Nāyis (?) acknowledges an investment from Astit (?) the widow of Avraham. Dated January 1715 (middle of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Shelomo Zeraḥyah.Page 3, Document #4: Nissim Hefeẓ (?) b. Avraham appoints Aharon Af[...] of Rashid as his agent. Dated January 1715 (middle of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Shelomo Zeraḥyah.Page 3, Document #5: Aharon Reuven acknowledges an investment from Masʿūdah the widow of Moshe ʿAddāl (?). Dated January 1715 (middle of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Shelomo Zeraḥyah.Page 3, Document #6: Betrothal document for Aharon Kozimat (? קוזימט) b. Yosef and Ḥanūnah bt. Shelomo Dhabbāḥ. Dated January 1715 (middle of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Shimʿon ha-Kohen.Page 4, Document #1: Betrothal document for Moshe Kozimat (?) b. Yosef and Ḥanūnah bt. Yaʿaqov Rasa. Dated January 1715 (middle of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Shimʿon ha-Kohen.Page 4, Document #2: Needs further examination. Involves Marḥabah the wife of Yehudah Karo. Dated January 1715 (end of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Eliyyahu Tābūn. Page 4, Document #3: Needs further examination. May be a record of a debt owed by Saʿīd Zarmāg (?) of Damietta (Kapotakia) to Yehudah Karmona. Dated January 1715 (end of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Eliyyahu [...] ha-Shohet. Page 4, Document #4: Needs further examination. Marriage-related document. Dated January 1715 (end of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Shimʿon ha-Kohen.Page 4, Document #5: Needs further examination. Involves a husband and his wife Esther. Dated January 1715 (end of Shevat 5475). Witnessed by Shimʿon ha-Kohen.
Recto: Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated March 1819 (last third of Adar 5579), in which Yiṣḥaq Zamiro acknowledges receipt of an investment of 9000 muayyadis (silver half-dirhams) from Ḥabība the widow of Moshe Zakkai. The document details how he is to use Ḥabība's investment and how they will divide the profits. Verso: In the same (or very similar) hand, a eulogy for a deceased woman and some neat accounts partially in Judaeo-Arabic. Diamonds and Yaʿaqov al-Marankātī (?) are mentioned.
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: End of Iyyar 5555 AM, which is 1795 CE. (The signing of the document was deferred until Kislev 5556—but there are no signatures on this fragment, so either they were torn away or they were never added.) In which Jamīla, the widow of Avraham ha-Levi Skandarī, invests 28,000 medins with three business partners (Eliyyahu Palombo, [...], and Merkado [...]) for a period of 1 year. Profits will be divided in four equal shares.
Incomplete late legal document in which Yaʿaqov Maṣliaḥ acknowledges that Me'ir b. ʿAnīs (?) has invested 2000 medins with him.
Legal document dated 1819 CE (Shevat 5579) in which Yosef Yuʿbaṣ makes a declaration about 400 gurush that had been invested with him.
Late legal document in which Avraham Munīr b. Saʿd declares that he has received 25000 מ״ך as an investment from Moshe Kondiote (? קנדיוטי).
Legal document dated 20 March 1798 (3 Nisan 5558), Fustat, in which Me'ir ben Naʿim acknowledges an investment of 2000 muayyadis from Ṣevi Ḥayyūn.
Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, from the first decade of the 19th century (Heshvan 556[.]), in which Me'ir Ṣabiṣo (?) and his partner Raḥamim Ḥamīs acknowledge an investmnet of 250 reales from Rinah (?) bt. Ḥayyim Shalom. There are some accounts on verso.
Legal document from Fustat/Cairo, dated either February or March of 1810 (Adar I or II of 5570), in which Moshe Shtiwi acknowledges an investment of 15,000 מכ from Merkadah bt. Yaʿaqov. There are two additional notes on verso from 1811 and 1812 CE respectively.
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: 1 Elul 5579 AM, which is 1819 CE. The widow of Avraham Yerid(?) invests 9000 medins with Yeḥezqel Ḥefeẓ.
Investment agreement (ʿisqa). Dated: Adar I 5562 AM, which is 1802 CE. In which Joya bt. Yehuda Ashio invests 100 riyāls with Meir ben Naʿim for a period of 6 months. Signed by: Gedalya [...], Meir ben Naʿim, and Yiṣḥaq Zamiro. AA. ASE.
Legal document dated 20 October 1800 (1 Heshvan 5561), Fustat, in which Me'ir ben Naʿim acknowledges an investment of 60 reales, equivalent (?) to 90 silver muayyadis, from Sulṭāna the widow of Yosef Mizraḥī.
Legal document dated 23 August 1797 (1 Elul 5557), in which the brothers Yeshuʿa and Daniel ha-Levi acknowledge an investment by Me'ir ben Naʿim.
Late legal document in which Yosef acknowledges an investment from [...] Kohen of 20,000 silver muayyadis.
Legal document from Fustat dated 24 April 1798 (8 Iyar 5558), stating that Me'ir ben Naʿim has invested 5500 muayyadis with the Karaites ("bnei mikra") Moshe Kagicha (?) and [blank].