Tag: isaac b. samuel ha-sefaradi

14 records found
Quittance for Saadya ha-Levi b. Avraham on 4 dinars he had owed. Dated Iyyar 1489/ May 1178. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Letter fragment. In Hebrew. Last two lines only, blessing the addressee's children and the enitre congregation with prosperity. Signed by Yiṣḥaq b. Shemuel ha-Sefaradi.
Legal document. Partnership record. Dated July 1103. Written in the hand of Hillel b. Eli. This fragment concerns ownership interest in a partnership between Mōda‘ and Abraham al-‘Assāl. In the document, Mōda‘ calls upon Abū al-Faraj al-Bazzāz to testify that Mōda‘ has an interest in the partnership, while Abraham seems to claim that he or he and his wife are the sole owners of the capital. Abraham apparently invested capital with Mōda‘ for the operation of a shop, and upon distribution of the profits it became unclear whether the capital was intended to be simply a deposit with Mōda‘ or if it would be (per Maimonides) "half a loan…and half a deposit". Apparently, these details were left unspecified when Mōda‘ first became involved in the venture. Subsequently, Mōda‘ seems to have called two individuals – one (perhaps a scholar) identified only as Head of the Congregations ("Rosh ha-Qehillot"), and Abū al-Faraj – to the shop to clarify the nature of his relationship with Abraham. Thus, the present document reports that the Head of the Congregations affirmed in a qinyan that Mōda‘ was indeed a partner with Abraham and not simply an employee. Signed by Abraham b. Shemaiah and Isaac b. Samuel ha-Sefardī. (Information from Lieberman, "A Partnership Culture," 218)
Legal fragment. Last few lines only. Mentions a claim granted to Maṣliaḥ b. Yosef. Witnesses: Avraham b. Shemaʿya; Yiṣḥaq b. Shemuel ha-Sefaradi. (Information from CUDL.)
A damaged bill of divorce (get). The husband named Zedaqa, the wife’s name is not preserved. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi who signed it together with Ishaq b. Shemuel the Spaniard. AA
Bottom part of a letter written and signed by Yiṣḥaq b. Shemuel the Spaniard. AA
A court record written and signed by Avraham b. Nathan Av, at the year 1420 Era of documents (= 1109) regarding a quarrel over a house between Ghariba d. Fadail the widow, who is the haluza (free from levirate marriage) of Yeshu'a Hakohen b. Avraham. Also signed by Ishaq b. Shmuel the Spaniard. AA
Torn court record written and signed by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi together with Ishaq b. Shmuel the Spaniard (was active until 1132), regarding a house.
Damaged fragment from a betrothal deed, written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi, and signed by [Is'haq b. Shenuel] the Spaniard, so can be dated to 1100-1127. The fiancé is Avraham b. Moshe, who is about to marry the daughter of Ya'qov. AA
Documentary; document issued in court for Halfon b. Yeshu'ah, who wanted to reverse his purchase of half a house from his brother El'azar for the amount of 10 dinars. He is doing this because is brother is traveling to al-Sham (Palestine or Damascus). Dated 1st Elul 1409 Era of documents (1098). Written by Avraham b. Nathan who signed it together with Ishaq b. Shemuel (the Spaniard), Nissim b. Nahray, Avraham b. Shema'aya ha-Haver. AA
Very damaged betrothal deed, probably between Rabbinate bride and Karaite groom (See Ashur, Engagement and Betrothals, p, 69). It is the bride's second marriage and the groom is responsible to provide them with cloths. An apartment in Qasr al-Sham' is mentioned. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi who signed together with Isahq b. Shemuel the Spaniard and Nethanel b. Efrayim, probably between 1100-1127, because the reshut formula for Masliah Gaon is lacking. AA
long discussion between a woman and the court about taking an oath in a legal dispute she had with a man (the document mentions that she “lived with him for several years” so he might have been a husband or a relative). The document is fragmentary and very hard to decipher, but it seems that the court kept asking her whether she was willing to take the oath. Her answers seem to be that she is willing and even wants him to be present. When asked again, she said “I prefer nothing but that the Torah scroll be brought forth” (i.e. for her to take the oath). It seems that in this court session the oath was not administered. Dated 1105. Written by Ishaq b. Shemuel (the Spaniard) who signed it together with Sasson b. Nathan, Avraham b. Shema'yah ha-Haver, and Halfon Halevi b. Menashshe. (Info from Oded Zinger, PhD, p. 172n142)
Long strip from a ketubah written by Hillel b. Eli, and probably by Ishaq b. Shmuel (the Spaniard, see the join TS NS 324.87c), The groom's name is probably Michael and the bride [Sitt al S]ada d. Eli. AA
On recto bottom line of a court record, signed by [Avraham] b. Shema'ya ha-Haver, [Ishaq b. Shemuel] the Spaniard, Menashshe b. Shemuel, Halfon b. Ghalib, [...] b. Yehezkel Hakohen ha-Haver. On verso torn and damaged court record written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi dealing with inheritance of daughters. Might be related to recto. AA