Tag: ja poetry

56 records found
Judaeo-Arabic poetry.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry in a neat grid in red ink.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry.
Bifolium of Judaeo-Arabic poetry. Shows signs of having been bound into a book cover (glue stains, leather).
Yemeni diwan. Containing poems attributed to Yehuda ha-Levi and Shalom Shabazi.
Yemeni diwan. 2 folios. Containing Shabazian poetry.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry. Dialogue between a youth and [...].
Poetry. Alternating verses in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Verso: Literary. A Judaeo-Arabic transcription of an Arabic poem, telling the story of the falcon (bāz) who caught the songbird (ʿuṣfūr) but let it go after it begged for mercy. Goitein suggests that a preacher wished to use the story in a sermon. It is an approximate equivalent of an Arabic poem that can be found in literary anthologies. According to al-Abshīhī in Al-Mustaṭraf Fī Kull Fann Mustaẓraf, a certain Naṣr b. Manīʿ who had been sentenced to death recited this poem before the caliph. ASE ( زعموا بأن الصقر صادف مرة ... عصفور بر ساقه التقدير ) ( فتكلم العصفور تحت جناحه ... والصقر منقض عليه يطير ) ( إني لمثلك لا أتمم لقمة ... ولئن شويت فإنني لحقير ) ( فتهاون الصقر المدل بصيده ... كرما وأفلت ذلك العصفور )
Verso: Short note in Arabic script headed with a basmala. Difficult to read. Pen trials in the margins. On recto there is Judaeo-Arabic poetry ("anā al-fiḍḍa al-bayḍāʾ... anā al-kawkab... idhā lāḥa fī al-fajrī... wa-qult laylī ṭawwal qad ḥaṣal al-badrī").
A rendering of Song of Songs into Judaeo-Arabic poetry. The next document in this folder is a similar rendering of Lamentations.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry, late.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry in the hand of Nāṣīr al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. Large and well-preserved. Probably mainly love poetry.
Erotic poetry in Judaeo-Arabic. "O if only my eye were inflamed (ramidat). . . O if only it were blinded," etc. ASE
One side contains a Judaeo-Arabic poem in the name of Abū Naṣr b. Faḍlūn.