Tag: kabbala

16 records found
Recto: Accounts in Ladino and Hebrew and sums of large numbers, giving the names Ibrahim, Yizhaq, and Yaʿaqov, who seem to be contemporary business associates, but could also be the patriarchs, and all the math on this page could actually be numerology. Then again, the main line of text seems to say: "salió de revaḥ ducados — 76777." Verso: Two pages of a kabbalistic treatise in Hebrew, including a menora made of text.
A page of instructions for harming an enemy through magical/kabbalistic means, including with the 72-letter name of God.
44 pages, some of which are instructions for kabbalistic kavanot, some of which are a Sabbatean tract (see especially pp.15–16, 19–22, and 25–27 = 8r–8v, 10r–11v, and 13r–14r), with an exegesis of the vision of a certain R. Avraham who lived in the days of Yehuda ha-Hasid. The vision starts with Samael, the dragon of the Nile (p.21). The vision continues with a "prediction" of the birth of Shabbetay Zevi, the true Messiah (p.19). The name Natan ha-Navi appears at the top of p.15 (presumably Nathan of Gaza—is this an atribution of the tract to him?). There are also numerous pages filled with permutations of the word Bereshit.
44 pages of a literary treatise, at one point at least citing a work by Isaac Luria (p.6).
Bifolium from a magical/kabbalistic work. Concludes, "Thus far is the answer to what you asked me regarding Sefer ha-Yeẓira."
30 pages of a literary treatise containing permutations of YWHW, instructions for various tiqqunim, and several pages of text slanting upward. Page 28 gives a list of the sefirot, along with botanical illuminations, more permutations of YHWH, and most remarkably, corresponding to each sefira, the name of a dish to eat given in combinations of Hebrew and Ladino
Recto: Some sort of kabbalistic prayer, in multiple hands. At the bottom are doodles and jottings in Arabic and Hebrew. Verso: A couple lines of legalese, perhaps the beginning of a formulary of a legal document -- חזקה למי שהחזיק בחצר או בחנות. Underneath are sums using Eastern Arabic numerals.
Magical/kabbalistic recipes for useful purposes such as protection against thieves or blinding and/or killing one's enemies. Labeled page 238. Same scribe as AIU VI.B.78 + AIU VI.B.149 but perhaps a different work.
Magical/kabbalistic instructions about the auspicious hours of prayer and useful spells when at sea. Labeled page 231. Same scribe as AIU VI.B.78 + AIU VI.B.149 but perhaps a different work.
Kabbalistic illustration of a schematic face filled in with text. Four circles labeled left ear, left eye, right eye, right ear. Forehead above, peʾot to either side, nose, mouth, etc. Probably post-15th c.
Several fragments from a kabbalistic and/or magical work.
Bifolium from a kabbalistic and/or magical work in Judaeo-Arabic as well as Hebrew and Aramaic.
Kabbalistic menora surrounded by floral motifs composed of micrography. Visually arresting. Also massive: 51.5 x 37 cm and missing at least ⅓ from the top.
Kabbalistic medallion containing the names of the sefirot.
Kabbalistic amulet.
Amulet, kabbalistic, large and colorfully illuminated.