Tag: karaite ketubba

78 records found
Marriage document. A torn and damaged Karaite ketubah. Although no complete sentences have survived, from the remaining words and phrases we can be sure that this is a Karaite ketubah: e.g החתן הבחור החשוב, ואליו תשוקתו and more. Probably 11th century. Hebrew. AA
Marriage document. Karaite deed of betrothal of Amat al-Waḥid אמה אלואחד daughter of Ḥalfon and Ḥaifon ha-Levi ben Daniel b. Bundār. Early 11th century, Cairo [?] (data from Olszowy-chlanger Judith. Karaite Marriage Documents from the Cairo Geniza, 1998, p. 308. Musafir b. Yitsḥak מסאפר ב. יצחק and Shiloh b. Yoseph שלה ב. יוסף testified that she is not coerced and free in her mind. Hillel was probably her marriage agent. Hebrew. AA Dating: 11th century
Fragment of a Karaite ketubba, 11th-century Fustat. Information from FGP.
Karaite ketubbah, in which only the introductory biblical verses are preserved: 2 Chronicles 26:5; Proverbs 18:22; Psalms 37:23; Jeremiah 7:34. On the top margin pen trials. AA
Karaite ketubah of Esther known as Qamr d. Avraham Hakohen b. Ya'aqov with the groom Elazar. Dated 23rd Shewat, 5414 (1654)
A Karaite ketuba dated Wednesday, 8th Kislev 5448 Era of creation and 1999 Era of documents (1687), from Cairo. The groom is Aharon b. Barukh b. El'azar, the physician, the bride is Esther known as Sultana d. Yosef b. Yeshu'a. AA
Elaborate Karaite ketubba, dated both according to the creation and to the 'counting of the Greeks'. The groom Yosef b. Mordechai b. Shalom is taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years but if his wife Esther bt. Ḥayyīm ha-Kohen will be childless he can marry another after 10 years. He also commits not to curse her family. Line four states that the ketubba was recorded before "the elders and undersigned witnesses," which include: the scribe Yosef Melamed, Musi ʿUziel, and Avraham[?] ben Aharon Barma[?]. The borders of the ketubba feature a gorgeous floral design.
A draft of a Karaite marriage contract
Draft of a Karaite ketubah
Copy of a Karaite ketubah.
Decorated Karaite ketubah. The groom is taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, but if his wife will become childless he can take another wife after 10 years. He should treat her well and not harm her or her relatives. She is allowed to visit her relatives after getting permission from him.
A Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Moshe b. Ishaq b. Avraham Hakohen and the bride is Esther known as Muhaja d. Avraham b. Ya'aqov Hakohen.
Two pages from the ketubah of Yosef and Esther
Formula of a Karaite ketubah.
There are few documents under this number. Fols. 2-4 are all fragments of Karaite ketubahs.
A Karaite ketubah. The groom is Yosef b Aharon Hakohen. The bride is Esther.
A Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Aharon b. Binyamin Halevi and the bride is Esther b. Avraham the physician. AA
Karaite ketubah. The groom is Yeshu'a b. Mordechai and the bride is Esther known as Situta d. Shemuel.
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The name of groom is nor preseved. The Bride is Esther known as Zubayda . dated to 16[...]
Karaite ketuba from Cairo. The groom is Avraham b. Yehuda and the bride is Esther known as 'Aziza d. Aharon.