Tag: ladino poetry

3 records found
Bifolium from a printed book. Retelling of Megillat Esther in Ladino poetry, in stanzas of eight verses each with an ABBAACCA rhyme scheme.
Bifolium from a notebook. One and a half pages are filled with a poem in Ladino involving a husband and wife and a knight, with refrains which are different from each other but which all end with "yo." The remaining two and a half pages are filled with accounts in Judaeo-Arabic mentioning the year 1581 (Elul 5341) and 1582 CE (Elul 5342). Merits further examination.
Bifolium from a notebook. One page has a poem in Ladino involving a husband and wife and a knight, with refrains which are different from each other but which all end with "yo" (continuation of the poem on the preceding framgent). Another page is filled with accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew.