Tag: magic

238 records found
Perhaps an amulet: small, square piece of paper filled with calligraphic Judaeo-Arabic invocations of Gods' names and various prophets on both sides.
Magical instructions.
Bifolium of magical recipes for diverse problems, many medical. E.g., against fever: recite Psalm 34 over olive oil and anoint yourself ("effective if God wills").
Recto (verso as catalogued): Accounts in Arabic, including the line "[...] that went with the fleet." Verso: Magical instructions in both Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic.
12 pages of a magical treatise, containing spells e.g. for eye pain or for seeing the dead in a dream.
Recto: Love spells in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Verso: An Aramaic prayer and geomancy markings.
Lots of magic squares of all different sizes, using both Arabic and Hebrew letters. There is some text, too, which is either very difficult to decipher or magical nonsense.
A bizarre treatise entitled Mar'e Ha-Ofanim, referring both to the angels of Ezekiel's vision and to the circles described in the treatise. It gives instructions for drawing up sundry circles within circles with magical or divinatory properties. In this section, each entry is prefaced with the name of a category (e.g. "meals" or "Gentile sages") and two rivers (one "outside" and one "inside"), and then the entry consists of specific elements from that category paired with a biblical prophet and the number of a verse ("Bread, go to Ezekiel verse 1"; "Bartholomeo, go to Elisha verse 25"; etc.). Each entry concludes with a list of significant numbers.
A page of instructions for harming an enemy through magical/kabbalistic means, including with the 72-letter name of God.
Bifolium from a Judaeo-Arabic magical work.
12 pages of a literary treatise, most or all of which is magical recipes.
Bifolium from a book of magical recipes in Judaeo-Arabic.
12 pages from a book of magic in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic, also containing several line-and-stick illustrations.
4 pages containing permutations of YWHW with various vowels, and on the last page, God's 13 attributes along with a prayer designed for invoking any given one of them (מדה פלונית) for any given time (שעה פלונית).
Fragment of a document with magic squares and magical recipes, including for mercantile success.
Several fragments in both Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic, all magical, one containing the line ". . . Sayyidnā Mūsā Rasūl Allāh al-Rasūl. . ."
Several torn fragments, which seem to belong together, all containing magical instructions.
12 pages of magical instructions.
Bifolium of magical instructions.
Magical amulet, including a portion for binding the demon Ḥayimun.