Tag: mr

2 records found
Recto: Arabic state document, reused (see separate entry for reuse), 4 lines, wide spacing, mentions the movement of a group of people to the Levant. Some phrases:"ʿalā l-mʾāthir wa nashr al-qalb kalima al-ṣidq bi āʿlā l-mʾāthir wa ṣarafat", "wa aṭafat ahwāhā ḥatta ṣārū ilā Bilād al-Shām".
Letter or petition (or draft) in Arabic script. Strings of titles. There are alternating lines of light ink (bigger letters) and dark ink (smaller letters), one presumably written before the other. ḥaḍara ilā al-majlis al-ʿālī etc.