Tag: natwa

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Letter from someone possibly named Yaʿqūb addressed to a physician. In Judaeo-Arabic. There are two lines in Arabic script on verso, apparently lines of poetry expressing longing for the addressee. Dating: Perhaps 13th century. The writer asks for more of a certain collyrium (ashyāf al-natwā), possibly because it is selling well. But he is not so greedy as to need the (proprietary) recipe for it. Cf. DK 316, a letter from the physician Ibrāhīm to the physician Yaʿqūb, in which Ibrāhīm divulges the recipe for the collyrium for "al-natwā" that he obtained from Abū l-Bahā. There is no clear evidence that the two letters are directly connected, but both are referring to the same medicine. ASE.