Tag: pearl

3 records found
Medical recipes and remedies in Ladino from an extensive chain of joins that suggest the existence of a broader compilation. On the recto there are ingredients and/or components such as a "wick / קאנדיל" (l. 5r) and below that there is mention of "pearl" and "coral" (l. 8r). On the verso, one entry is dedicated "para kurar la kabesa / for curing the head" and "sesame oil / טאחינה" may be in use. Further down on the verso, olive oil is also mentioned as an ingredient. MCD.
Letter(s) in Judaeo-Arabic. The portion on recto deals with the sending of various goods to be purchased and/or sent with Hiba, including lac, 2 pairs of tefillin, an ounce each of silk-white pearls and blue pearls for embroidery (raqm) and an ounce of 'muqallad blue' for ṭirāz, and white and blue knives. The portion on verso is an informal note in a different hand. Dated: 42nd day of the Omer, 1547 Seleucid, which is May 1236 CE. This is probably a postscript from somebody else in the household addressed to the same person as the letter on recto, because this person asks Hiba to purchase 10 nice ebony pens.
Letter apparently from Abū Zikrī Kohen, in Fusṭāṭ, to an unidentified addressee, apparently in Alexandria. In Judaeo-Arabic. Containing news about Aden. Commodities include: pearl (luʾlūʾ), ivory (ʿāj), musk, tusk (? nāb), and a siddur—or rather the lack of a siddur; Abū Zikrī Kohen even checked the bill of lading (tadhkira) and found that it was never shipped. "As for what you said about Ben Yiju, there is no need to postpone the letter, because it is a heartrending situation, and it won't do you any good: every penny that belonged to him drowned with the ship of Maḍmūn, for the ship foundered when it was entering (India) and nobody survived. Likewise, three other ships for Bharuch foundered when they were entering, and not a soul survived." Goes on to mention Maḥrūz; a judge; a fatwā concerning a house; and on verso detailed instructions about garments to be made. (Information in part from CUDL and Goitein's attached notes.)