Tag: pearls

11 records found
Accounts in the hand of Nissim b. Ḥalfon, presented to Nahray b. Nissim; 1066 CE. Lists payments for various goods, made either directly or through others, and gives details of various shipments, some of them to Tripoli, Libya. Mentions skins, textiles, beads, sugar, red wood, ammonia, furs, lead, baked goods, wine, meat, camphor, wax, tin, cloves, pearls and laque. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 3, p. 986.)
Letter addressed to Naḥum b. Sulaymān al-Iskandarānī, in Fustat. The writer is unidentified. In Judaeo-Arabic. The addressee's letter concerning the house arrived with Mūsā. But the writer met with the addressee's father and brother and with Ismāʿīl and determined that the addressee was mistaken about something. The writer is interested in the turban and the Venetian khirqa and mentions a maqṭaʿ cloth as well. The ambergris that Abū l-Rabīʿ brought has not sold yet, which means his capital is currently tied up in it. The writer has sent pearls with the bearer Masʿūd, and the addressee should look out for him and exchange with Masʿūd the ambergris that he will tell him about. ASE
Letter from Natan b. Nahray, the uncle of Nahray b. Nissim, in Alexandria, to Nahray's son, Abū Saʿd Nissim b. Nahray, in Fustat, ca. 1066. The letter relates many commercial matters and mentions Avraham al-Derʿi as Natan's commercial competitor in coral trade. From Nahray's title and from the fact that Nissim is already grown up and involved in trade, one can conclude that the letter was written in the late nineties of the 11th century. Doc. #43 in Nahray's archive. Mentions various goods: silk, clothes, pearls, lapiz lazuli and tin (Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 3, p. 439).
Letter from Yosef b. Yehuda b. Simḥa (Alexandria) to Abū Zikrī Yaḥyā b. Nissim (Fustat), ca. 1050. The writer mentions a number of deals in beads and pearls. He is worried about owing money to a number of people including Yaḥyā b. Nissim and, although they do not demand payment, is anxious to settle the issue. He also mentions having heard about diseases (amrāḍ) that have spread in Fustat. The address is written in both Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. (Information from Gil.)
Letter from Mevasser b. David in Damsis to Nahray b. Nissim in Fustat, ca. 1053. The main issue discussed in the letter is an argument between Mevasser and Nahray on the one side and a Christian on the other side. The Christian had financial claims which were not deemed acceptable by Mevasser. Mevasser b. David complains about financial difficulties, especially since he left Mahdiyya where his family remained and lost his property during travels. He anticipates a difficult year for his family, due to famine and rising prices. The letter refers to pearl and book trade and gives the recipient the power of attorney for a sale of silk. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 4, pp. 299-300 and Goitein notes linked below.)
Business letter from Avraham b. Farah in Alexandria to Yosef b. Moshe b. Barhun al-Tahirti in Fustat. The letter mentions a shipment of cosmetic oils, lead, silk and pearls. Avraham takes care of the storage house rented by Yosef in Alexandria. He asks Yosef to buy him ink and pens in Fustat. (Information from Gil)
Letter from Mūsā b. Iṣḥaq b. Nissim al-ʿĀbid (al-Mahdiya) to Avraham b. Daʾūd al-Raḥbī (Fustat), ca. 1030. The writer supplies goods from the Maghreb, including oil olive, fruit jam, spices, etc. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 683.) Contains a list of prices of local goods: pepper, laque, spices, sugar, precious stones and pearls. Letter written in the evening after the fast of the day of Atonement. (Informations from Goitein index cards linked below).
Letter from Tanḥum b. Sulaymān, in Jerusalem, to his mother and three brothers, Abū Mūsā, Ḥayyim and Aharon (or two brothers, Abū Mūsā Ḥayyim and Aharon?), in Baṣra. In Judaeo-Persian. Dating: late 10th or early 11th century. The writer discusses the transfer of money and trade of different goods, such as textiles; precious stones and pearls from Aleppo and Homs; and Torah codices from Basra and Baghdad. The writer mentions the Maghrebis, who arrived (in Jerusalem?) during the year and made purchases. Several individuals are also mentioned in the letter: Abū l-Ḥasan, ʿAlī, Yehoshuaʿ, Daryā(?), Mūsā, Hārūn and Abū ʿUmar. The letter is labeled "L3" in Shaul Shaked's (unpublished) classification of Early Judeo-Persian texts. OH. Ludwig Paul's 2021 translation, which was in turn based on an unpublished translation of Shaked's (this version received a very light edit from Marina Rustow): 1. In the name of God. 2. (To) mother, (may you have) a long life and a good end, and (to the) dear exalted(?) brothers … 3. (to) Abū Mūsā, Ḥayyim, and Aharon, sons of Sulaymān, (from?) Tanḥūm, (son of?) Sulaymān, eternal … 4. May God‘s blessing be upon your body and soul. In that week, your letter … 5. Baghdad in his heart. But God [may ...?] upon the dear mother (and) [brothers?] … 6. I was aware. I wrote you two-three letters (in) response, for explanation … 7. Abū l-Ḥasan, may he have a long life, (and) may God give him strength. And I wish that it arrives (at) your hands. You wrote th(at) … 8. I want to go. I hope that you arrived in peace, and (that you) se(nt) your letter … 9. (in?) health from Basra quickly, God willing. And (by) my day and night, I … 10. so as to see you, and so it is my resolution that (I come?) after Passover … 11. And I do not know what has befallen me, but of that which is in my heart … 12. all kinds of things, on account of you and on account of mother, may she have a long life, and the [dear?] sister[s] … 13. I cannot describe it in writing. May God illuminate upon [your] body … 14. and the whole of Israel, and may He send His relief by His grace and me[rcy] … 15. You wrote, “I have given 500 s.” I was aware (of it), and I also sent, before this, 16. a bi[ll of exchange] … over 300 s, so that you (pl.) may give it by way of assignment … (?) … 17. Sīnīzī fabric. Then, from the (?)check, he wrote a bill (of exchange) over 100 s. 18. I have given back (the) 100 [s]. Then, (if?) he gives 200 on a day, this ʿAlī comes back 19. and takes an additional invoice from him, upon (the account of) Yehoshuaʿ, Daryā, Mūsā, 20. (and) Hārūn. Don‘t act otherwise and fulfill your work. You wrote that someone 21. came from Damascus and brought rubies, emeralds, and pearls for 1,000 dinar and 22. sold (them) in Baghdad. Know (sg.) that he brought this from Aleppo and Homs and that region. 23. And whenever they bring (it) from that region, (it is) in abundance here 24. and they make a nice profit with it, because in that region 25. it comes (lit., “falls”) cheap. Then, anything of this kind that comes (along), buy (pl.) (it) cheap. 26. And buy old pearls, because they are valuable here. This year, many Maghrebis 27. came and made (their) purchases. And I wrote you (pl.) quite some copies (i.e., letters), 28. and whatever I wrote, act according to it. You, dear mother – (may you have a) long life –, 29. know that anything you wrote, I was aware of the bitternesses that have befallen you, 30. but what can one do except thank God? Whatever He does, 31. all (of it) is just judgement. (?Even) more of this (has) remained: let Him strike us 32. (with) hardship, and may He end (it), with His grace and mercy. I cannot 33. write you now (out) of (my) grief on account of you and on account of the dear sisters. 34. And (as for) the complaint(s) of brother Abū ʿUmar, (of which) you wrote, and the losses (which) they were (for) you, 35. one cannot do anything. Verso 1. Then, for these reasons, I (will) arrange to come after Passover, 2. because my heart is not calm. May God, the Exalted and Mighty, illuminate 3. your body (and) the whole of Israel, by His grace and mercy. 4. And fulfill your task, and treat brother Abū ʿUmar well, for it is possible that 5. he may return to you these 5,000 s after all these years, 6. because I know that he has made some profit with it. And (if?) he does not 7. give this, he will do it for God’s sake, may God put (“throw”) mercy for you (lit., “your mercy”) in his heart, 8. amen. Now, arrange to fulfill (your) task, in any 9. way there is, do not stop (writing) (“do not cut off”) your letter(s). May God’s blessings be upon 10. your (pl.) body and soul. This letter (was) written from Jerusalem, 11. (on) Monday, the 20th of Ṭevet. Accept greeting(s) from our house, upon 12. young (and) old of you. Greeting(s). Make an effort to read (it) to (my) 13. dear young sister, may she have a long life, so that she reads (it) quickly. And 14. write me your letters. May that the Lord of this world not cut me off, so that I may see you again, 15. by His grace. Greetings. Fine Torah codices, anything that would come 16. from Basra and Baghdad, buy (it), for there is (a) good profit in it. Address: right 1. (To?) ... and? Abū Mūsā, may God give them both a long life and extend (their) glory 2. (To?) Abū Sulaymān, may God make them both happy Address: middle From Tanḥūm b. Sulaymān Address: left (To be delivered) in Basra, God willing.
Letter in which the writer discusses affairs from winter of the previous year and mentions a purchase of pearls. The final two lines of the fragment mention Yusuf ha-haver, member of the great Sanhedrin, and [...] b. halfon ha-Levi. EMS
Private account written by Nahray b. Nissim. 1065. Details about trading pearls. Mentions partnership with Nahray’s circle of friends. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #296) VMR
Letter from Yiṣḥaq b. Simha al-Naysaburi, in Alexandria, to 'Ulla ha-Levi b. Yosef, in Fustat. Gil identifies the author of the letter by his handwriting. The letter deals with the trade of silk and pearls and involves Muslim trade partners. (Information from Gil)