Tag: persians

2 records found
Letter from a man from the land of the Persians, who, after the loss of his fortune, had come to Egypt to seek a post as teacher. He asks for help, as he was unable to work owing to an illness of smallpox. He is living in the synagogue (this is written above the line; the scribe first wrote "living with [???]" and then crossed it out). "I came to this city empty-handed, intending to support myself by serving the people, but I fell sick with smallpox. Now I cannot work and I possess nothing." Information from Goitein's index card.
Recto: Letter addressed to Eliyyahu the Judge. In Judaeo-Arabic. This is a letter of recommendation for the bearer, a Persian man (ʿajamī), who is suffering for various reasons (ḥamas/oppression and cold weather are mentioned) and who needs a riding animal to travel to Syria (al-Shām).