Tag: portuguese

4 records found
Letter in difficult Latin script, possibly Portuguese. The address on verso is in Hebrew: to David Ṣarfati, from R. Yiṣḥaq Alpa[...], from צאפט to Fustat.
Recto: Note in Portuguese. Mentions Jose Loise. There is further text underneath also Latin script. Verso: Accounts in Hebrew script. Currency: fulūs. 16th century?
Legal document. In Arabic script. Dating: Ottoman-era, likely 16th or 17th century. Concerning the estate of the late Shemuel b. Dan, a Portuguese Jew. His brother Avraham (اورهم), living in Alexandria, attests to having received a sum of 50 gold dinars from Aḥmad(?) Amarillo b. Yosef the Jew, the agent of the daughter of the deceased, and he releases her and the agent from any further claims. ASE
Commercial accounts that seem to be in Portuguese (vinegar, pepper, and other commidities). Identified by Eleazar Gutwirth.