Tag: prisoners

6 records found
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to one of the personalities in Fustat, concerning the fate of Rabbanite prisoners and the future of the Rabbanite community in Jerusalem. Approximately 1033. (Information from CUDL)
Letter from Nahray b. Nissim in Fustat to Abu al-Faraj Daniel b. Allan ha-Kohen in Alexandria, discussing the problem of the ransom of captives and noting that owing to the lack of funds prisoners have to be redeemed one by one, ca. 1045-1096.
Letter dealing with the ransom of prisoners and mentioning the liberality of Nethaneel ha-Kohen and David Hallewi.
Letter from Daniel b. Azarya to Avraham ha-Kohen b. Yishaq b. Furat, to save a prisoner who was sentenced to death. (Gil, Palestine, vol. 2, 640, #351) VMR
Colophon of a codex, probably a Bible. Yosef b. Ya'aqov b. Yosef (ha-dayan ha-mumheh) b. Shemaryah (bayt din) b. Menahem buys a muṣḥaf on 16 Marheshvan 1136 (Wednesday 14 October) the day on which the prisoners arrived (from?) Jerba. Cf. 10J15.16. See also MJ II 339(7). Information from Goitein's note card. There is further writing that is difficult to read at the bottom of the page at an angle to the main text.
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to Efrayim b. Shemarya, concerning the prisoners taken on account of the debt of 900 dinars placed on the community of Jerusalem. He also laments his personal poverty. Approximately 1029. (Information from CUDL)