Tag: romance

7 records found
An account in librae and solidi with a sum in librae (quantity obscured) and solidi VI (Alan Stahl). The informal consensus of a group of scholars polled about this document (Alan Stahl, Anne Lester, Laura Morreale, Noam Sienna, Ariana Myers, Suzanne Akbari, Lorenzo Bondioli) is that the document is in Catalan and in a 14th-century notarial hand. ASE.
Letter in a Romance language, probably Spanish.
Query from Nadiv b. Yiṣḥaq, “the son of the brother of Umm Nadiv,” asking whether a woman who was deserted by her husband with whom she had lived for ten years, but had not received a bill of repudiation from him, may marry another man. (S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society,1:591; 3:264, 485.) EMS. The remainder of the fragment is also filled with text. Apart from difficult Arabic text on verso, there is what Goitein calls an Arabic/medieval Greek/Romanesque (laʿaz) glossary, partially in Arabic script on recto and partially in Hebrew script on verso. There is some overlap between the Arabic script glossary and the Hebrew script glossary. Examples: khubz --> אבסומי (= Ψωμί), mawlāy --> senyor. Merits further examination
Recipes (alchemical?) mainly in Hebrew with many Romance words mixed in (mercury, sal natri). Late.
Accounts in Spanish. 5 folios. Dating: the year 1426 CE is mentioned. Likely related to the payment of taxes, because it uses the official account system (cuenta castellana) and lists amounts in different kind of cereals (the usual payment in both civil and ecclesiastic taxes). Deals with cargas (loads) of trigo (wheat), cebada (barley) and centeno (rye). Domingo may be a seller or buyer. The word rrey (king) appears at least a couple times. Partial transcription: "son cunplidos los dichos xlviii mil dcxxvii s que valieron / [---] este dicho año en la cuenta que d su [---] / almox del algund el dicho año de 1426 años / 1 quento de trigo a vi ls ii fs et 1 quento de çevada / [---] testimonio signado de Ao Gs escribano publico del dicho." Information kindly provided by José Manuel Fradejas and Jose M. Escribano.
Glossary of Judaeo-Arabic and Judaeo-Romance in the hand of Maimonides. Originally published by Shivtiel, "Judaeo-Romance and Judaeo-Arabic Word-list from the Genizah" (2007). Identification of the scribe was made by José Martínez Delgado and Amir Ashur in 2022. See https://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/genizah-fragments/posts/qa-wednesday-maimonides-hiding-plain-sight-jose-martinez-delgado.
Commercial accounts that seem to be in Portuguese (vinegar, pepper, and other commidities). Identified by Eleazar Gutwirth.