Tag: saadya gaon

7 records found
Part of Saadya Ga'on's polemical work Sefer ha-Galuy. Information from FGP.
6 leaves containing Geonic responsa on Sukka followed by a long responsum about giving a herd of sheeps to a shepherd on Shabbat. The first one was published by Wertheimer, קהלת שלמה, p. 50-51, the second ibid, p. 82-89. Fol 1, recto. end of responsum regarding Bavli Sukka 17a. Published in full from TS G2 in Otzar ha-Geonim, Sukka. p. 23-24. In l. 10 another responsum about Sukka 14a. Published ibid, p. 21, no. 40. In l. 12 a new subject within the save responsum citing Sukka 12b, published ibid. p. 20-21, no. 36. On verso another responsum by Sa'adya Gaon, probably by a different scribe, sent to Meir hakohen b. 'Eli, whether it is permitted to a Jew to give is herd to a gentile shepherd in Shabbat. On fol. 2 recto continuation of another responsa on the same subject. Verso l. 7 responsum by R. Nahshon, which we have in a shorter version in Geonei Mizrah u-ma'arav, no. 54. Fol. 4, l. 18 responsum by R. Hayya Gaon. .
Legal query in Judaeo-Arabic. Regarding a partnership in a house and the death and inheritance of one of the partners. This is the original JA version of Saadya Gaon's responsum published in Hebrew translation in Sha'arei Zedeq, part IV, V, no. 12, p. 164. It's a direct continuation of מרגליות, הלכות א"י מן הגניזה, עמ' צד. Fםr another fragment of this responsum, from another MS see TS NS J 516. (AA)
Colophon to R. Saadya Gaon's commentary to one of the prayers (תפילת שמונה עשרה), written in Ashkelon in 1061. Verso: the beginning of R. Saadya Gaon's Arabic commentary to the same prayer. (Gil, Palestine, vol. 3, 327, Doc. #528). VMR
Book of Legal deeds by Saadya Gaon, 8-9, 12-13, contains bil of partnership, deathbed declaration, and a will. (Data from FGP by Dan Greenberger)
Monograph; from Saadias formulary of legal documents (near end); published by Ben-Sasson in Shenaton Hamishpat Ha-Ivri. (Info from FGP)
From a volume of Saadya Gaon's responsa in Judaeo-Arabic. Join by Amir Ashur. See FGP for detailed description.