Tag: sar shalom

3 records found
Letter from Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, in Qalyub, to Gaon Sar Shalom ha-Levi, in Fustat. In Hebrew. After a poem in praise in the Gaon and lengthy salutations, Moshe tells the story of a certain Yefet b. Shelomo the physician, known as Ibn al-Ṭaffāl (“son of the fuller”), who arrived in Qalyub bearing a letter from Sar Shalom supposedly appointing him as the exclusive mohel for “all the villages.” Moshe could not find Sar Shalom’s distinctive mark in the letter, so he announced that the letter was counterfeit. The poor man Ma‘ani’s son was circumcised by Yefet ha-Qatzar instead, pro bono. Moshe now gets to the point of the letter: he has heard that Ibn al-Ṭaffāl slandered him to Sar Shalom, claiming that he said things against the Gaon that he never said. Moshe concludes by begging for mercy: he insists that has not done anything wrong, Sar Shalom must not believe anything without witnesses and proofs, and, finally, who is he that Sar Shalom should be angry at him? “After whom is the king of Israel come out? after whom dost thou pursue? after a dead dog, after a flea” (1 Samuel 24:14). On verso, he apologizes for the poor quality of the paper, stating that it was the best he could find, and for the poor quality of his writing. He would have presented himself in person, but it was all he could do to even write a letter. He wrote it lying down, prostrated by illness of his intestines and eyes. See S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, 2:232, 573; 3:503; 4:407. EMS. ASE.
Recto: Letter in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, presumably from Qalyub to his father in Fustat. He had just been in Fustat, advocating for himself with the Nagid Sar Shalom (Abu Zikri) against the machinations of Ibn al-Taffal against him. He has now arrived safely in Qalyub, and he informed the community of what happened, and they rejoiced. Apparently Sar Shalom had given verbal confirmation that Moshe would be appointed (as muqaddam) but had not yet provided a letter of installment. Moshe now asks the recipient to go to Abu 'Ali, who is to go to Sar Shalom and get the letter. Moshe is also worried about what Bu l-Khayr told him, namely that his brother Abu Ishaq has been beating the wife of his paternal uncle. Verso: The response, probably from Abu Sahl Levi to his son Moshe. He informs him that no one has been beating anyone, there are simply wicked people who try to cause trouble between husband and wife. He confirms that he will try to get hold of the letter of appointment. He concludes, "As for Ibn al-Taffal, may God sort him." ASE.
Legal testimony. Marriage permit. Location: Cairo. Dated: 1 Tevet 1500 Seleucid, which is 1188/89 CE. Under the reshut of the Gaon Sar Shalom ha-Levi. Witnesses: [...] and Netanel b. Yosef ha-Kohen. The witnesses attest that there is no relationship that would prohibit the marriage of Abū Naṣr b. Mevorakh and Sitt al-Khāṣṣa bt. Abū l-Maʿālī b. Mevorakh b. Yaḥyā.