Tag: shelomo halafta

1 records found
Letter addressed to Shelomo Ḥalafta Yerushalmi and Meir Ashkenazi, concerning business, the commodity saffron (זעפראן)" is mentioned. R. Yiṣḥaq Luria (ha-Ari) was a part of this business as well. (Information from David Avraham, Alei Sefer 14, 1987, p. 135, and David Avraham, “The Role of Egyptian Jews in Sixteenth-century International Trade with Europe,” in From a Sacred Source: Genizah Studies in Honour of Professor Stefan C. Reif,” 106 ). VMR and EMS Verso: Jottings of names and accounts, mentioning Rašīd and Nissim Sason. C. 15th-17th century. (Information from CUDL)