Tag: shemarya b. elhanan

4 records found
Letter by Sherira Gaon and Hayye Gaon in the hand of a professional scribe. Originally written in ca. 1005. Sent to Fustat to an aluf, probably Avraham b. Sahlān. Mentions Shemarya b. Elḥanan and his son Elḥanan. Mentions “the son of the deceased ruler,” probably al-Ḥākim. Refers to distress and persecutions that the writers suffered, and hints at a controversy in Fustat. Expresses thanks for a delivery of parcels (probably containing halakhic queries and money) that had reached the yeshiva with the assistance of Yaʿaqov b. ʿAwkal. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 96.)
Document of authorization from Sitana bt. Avraham to Yosef b. Sad'el. With the signatures of Efrayim b. Zadok and Sar-Shalom b. Yitzhak. In the handwriting of Shemarya b. Elhanan that signed the document as well. (Information from E. Bareket, "The leaders of the Jews in Fustat", vol. 2 p. 428). VMR
Letter mentioning a certain Sibyan and Shemarya b. al-Hanan.
Legal document related to remission of debts. Location: Fustat. Dating: 966-1011CE. The legal parties mentioned in the document include: Saʿa[dya], Ishmael, Salāma and Yefet. The attestation section mentions Nathan b. Manasseh, [Samue]l b. Jacob, Munīr b. [...]. The document is signed by Šemarya ha-Rav [b. Elḥanan ha-Rav], who served as the head of the Babylonian community in Fustat. (Information from FGP). MCD.