Tag: shemuel b. moshe al-maghribi

1 records found
Recto: Responsum in the name of Shelomo Kohen b. Aharon Kohen Kanzī(?) Dimashqī. Dating: After 1490 CE. It has to do with a man who vowed in anger that he would divorce his wife. The ruling is that this vow, taken when he was not in full possession of his faculties, is null in comparison to the vow he took when he married her, when he was both in possession of his faculties and fulfilling a mitzvah. Numerous proofs are cited as well as the authority of Yehuda Hadassi (12th c) in Sefer ha-Peles (= Eshkol ha-Kofer), Aharon b. Eliyyahu (d. 1369) the author of Etz Ḥayyim, Eliyyahu Bashyaẓi ZL (d. 1490), and finally the great sage Shemuel ha-Rofe ha-Maʿaravi (active 15th century) in chapter five of his Book of Commandments. Shelomo Kohen writes an addendum in his own hand with his own signature, confirming everything above (that was written in his name but not by him). There are two further addenda.