Tag: signature

1 records found
Document containing mostly signatures, above a few lines of faded text. Signed by Ezekiel b. Avraham, Shemarya b. Shelomo, Shelomo b. Thabit, Avraham b. Farrah, Sedaqa b. Yosef, Yehuda b. Yiṣḥaq, She’erit b. Avraham b. Habib, Shalom b. Daniel al-Kohen, Ezra b. Aharon, Yosef b. Farrah, Nahman b. Sedaqa, 'Ammar b. Yeshu'a, Yaʿaqov b. Shalom, Mattan ha-Kohen b. Yaʿaqov ha-Kohen, Yaʿaqov b. Ezra, Yaʿaqov b. Da'ud and Menuha ha-Kohen b. Yosef. EMS