Tag: tiberias lepers

19 records found
Fragment of a letter on behalf of the lepers of Tiberias.
Fragment of a letter from the lepers of Tiberias, probably to Fustat.
Fragment of a letter from the lepers of Tiberias to Mukhtar and his brother.
Letter fragment on behalf of the lepers of Tiberias to Efrayim b. Shemarya in Fustat.
Letter from the lepers of Tiberias. Fragment. Written by Hillel b. Yoshua. (Gil)
Letter from Hillel b. Yeshuʿa ha-Ḥazzan, in Tiberias, to Efrayim b. Shemarya, in Fustat. Dating: End of 1034 CE, per Gil. Soliciting funds on behalf of the community of people with skin diseases. Mentions a previous emissary Khalaf the Aleppan (כלף הצובי) who has since died. L-G Misc. 25 and T-S 10J12.22 are two copies of the same letter.
Letter (draft) from individuals in physical discomfort, appealing for help. The writers may be lepers, as they refer to their flesh being damaged and their bones uncovered. (Information from CUDL)
Letter from Hillel b. Yeshuʿa he-ḥaver the cantor, in Tiberias, to Shela/Sahlān b. Avraham he-ḥaver, in Fusṭāṭ, regarding help for the leper community in Tiberias. Dating to late 1034 CE. (Information from CUDL.) See also Goitein's index card. L-G Misc. 25 and T-S 10J12.22 are two copies of the same letter.
Letter fragment from the lepers of Tiberias to Faraj b. Avraham, probably in Ramla, approximately 1030.
Deathbed will of Khalaf b. Yeshu'a, mentioning the lepers in Tiberias, Elul 1345/August 1034.
Form of a recommendation letter to the emissaries of the lepers of Tiberias, probably 1025.
Letter from Natan Ha-Kohen Ha-Ḥaver b. Yoshiyyahu, Tiberias, to Eli Ha-Ḥaver Ha-Me'ulle (b. Amram ?) in Fustat, approximately 1050.
Letter from Natan Ha-Kohen Ha-Ḥaver b. Yoshiyyahu, Tiberias, to Yaʿaqov b. David, approximately 1050. The writer asks the recipient for support on behalf of the sick who are seeking a cure at the hot springs of Tiberias. (Information from CUDL.)
Letter from the lepers of Tiberias to Shemuel b. Ezra (Jerusalem?), approximately 1030.
Letter to Efrayim b. Shemarya on behalf of the lepers of Tiberias, approximately 1050. People with skin ailments were drawn to the hot springs of Tiberias and those without means to support themselves were sent with letters appealing to the generosity of communities such as Fustat by describing their sufferings in graphic terms. (Information from CUDL)
Letter fragment from the lepers of Tiberias to Shelomo b. Eli, probably in Tripoli, Lebanon, approximately 1030. Verso: End of the address.
Letter fragment from the lepers of Tiberias, approximately 1030. There are only traces of text on verso.
Letter from the lepers of Tiberias to Furayj b. Ḥasan. Dating: ca. 1030 CE. Asking for donations be given to the emissaries from Tiberias collecting charity on the senders' behalf.
Letter from the Tiberias lepers.