Tag: trial of the pen

6 records found
On recto, Hebrew piyyuṭ. All around it and on verso, Arabic jottings and pen trials.
Verso: Account in Arabic script (Naïm Vanthieghem; description to come).
Letter written by someone who trains himself in writing a letter. The beginning of the letter reads: (1) bismi llāh al-raḥmān al-raḥim (2) waṣala kitabuka ayyuhā al-ʾaḫ al-fāḍil ḥafiẓaka (3) llāh bi-rāfatihi
Trial of the pen that reads among other things ḥadrat mawlaya al-šayḫ
Trial of the pen consisting of several basmala-s
The text is badly damaged but one can read ʾišhād fulān ʾišhād fulān (l. 3)