Tag: unedited

3 records found
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Addressed to a certain Avraham, c/o the shop of Abū l-Ḥasan al-Ṣā'igh, in Fustat. The sender asks the addressee to send two cubits of malā'is(?) with the muleteer (al-mukārī). It seems that the sender will send the price back with him. “If Ibn ʿAmmār arrives, inquire from him about the news of my paternal uncle. For a man named ʿAṭṭāf b. Maḥmūd Ibn Sākin arrived and reported that my uncle with a group of […] merchants arrived in Java . . . . . from Java to . . the land(s), and [that] they are well, may God reunite us quickly, God willing.” ASE
A tadhkira - memorandum of goods sent, written probably by Abu Zikri Kohen. On line 1 we might be able to complete [Abu al-Khay]r [b. M]usa al-Barqi, who is known from India Book (e.g India Traders, p. 314, n. 15). Should belong to India Book V. AA
Two torn and damage fragments from a tadkhira- business memorandum, regarding amount of money and items (such as saffron). Probably written by Abu Zikri Kohen, so should belong to India Book V. AA