Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Badly damaged leaf of an Arabic literary work mentioning hallucination (wahm) and sleep.
3 bifolios from an Arabic medical treatise in beautiful calligraphic script with diacritical marks.
Leaf from the diwan of ʿAbd al-Ghaffār al-Akhras (1804–73), a Mosul-born poet who lived most of his life in Baghdad.
Bifolio from an Arabic medical treatise.
Bifolio from a narrow volume, an Arabic treatise that seems to be on medicine or regimen.
Leaf from an Arabic medical treatise.
Arabic literary fragment. The word "al-falsafa" appears.
Leaf from an Arabic literary work in nasta'liq-like script.
Fragment of a bifolium, very damaged, probably from an Arabic literary work.
Fragment of a bifolium from an Arabic literary work mentioning Amir al-Mu'minīn, very damaged. Some strings tied to the extremity of the page (not the binding) are intact.
Bifolium from a (Qaraite) copy of the Torah in Arabic script. This section is Numbers 21. There are numerous joins. See T-S Ar.52.242 on FGP.
12 pages of an Arabic literary work, mentioning marriage and sex and childbirth. Merits further examination.
From a medical treatise in Arabic.
Tales 90–92 from "Nawādir al-Qalyūbī" by Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qalyūbī (d. 1659), in Arabic, with Hebrew translations/summaries in the margins.
From a medical treatise in Arabic, including various recipes for a medicinal powder (safūf). Headers in red ink.
From a medical treatise in Arabic.
Arabic literary fragment.
Recto: A passage from an Arabic treatise on love and lovers (ʿishq, ʿāshiq, maʿshūq). Verso: Scattered Arabic text, possibly list or accounts. Needs further examination.
Recto: The last page of the Annals of Eutychius of Alexandria (Saʿīd b. Baṭrīq al-Mutaṭabbib, d. 940), the Melkite Patriarch of Alexandria, discussing events in Jerusalem and Constantinople in the years before his death. See the Beirut 1905 edition: https://books.google.com/books?id=b6MIAQAAMAAJ&pg=PT336&lpg=PT336. Verso: A cross followed by cryptic symbols, and underneath the Arabic alphabet written left-to-right and partially in mirror image.
Fragment (lower left corner) of a family letter in Arabic script ("your mother sends you her regards").