Type: Letter

10477 records found
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic containing detailed accounting in the body of the letter. Mentions saffron and kundus (baby's breath).
Letter in Judaeo-Persian, probably late. Needs examination.
Fragment of a late letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Business letter. Dated: 12 Tamuz 5559 AM, which is 15 July 1799 CE. Dealing mainly with shipments of silk. Niether writer nor addressee are named.
Right half of the end of a letter by Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, Qalyub, to a family member in Fustat. Mentions: the coats (al-shuqaq); his paternal uncles Ta[hir] and 'Imran; a man named Ibn al-Musinn ("son of the stinkard," see Goitein's note card on T-S NS J32); Ibn Nu'man Fada'il; Mahasin b. Hibat [Allah]; and that he sent a copy of the Neviim with the bearer of this letter. ASE.
Fragment of a late business letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Fragment of a business letter in very cursive Judaeo-Arabic
Letter addressed to Yedidya Shelomo Yisrael. In Hebrew and Aramaic. Also mentions a R. Navon. The writer mentions wishing to copy a manuscript from a 'ktav yad hedyot.' Needs further examination. At the bottom of the page are some accounts in Judaeo-Arabic mentioning currencies such as gurush, maḥbūb (both "ṣuḥāḥ"/true and "Istanbuli") and perhaps a French denomination (פראנסאי?). There is also a note mentioning a Krispin that is dated: Sunday, 29 Av 5574 AM, which is 1814 CE.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Shemuel Muslim to his uncle (ʿamm) Dāwud b. Berakha. It seems that the writer recently received a letter to the effect of "Where is my gold?" He offers his excuses in this letter: that he was in a great rush when he wrote his earlier letter, and that the addressee will receive all his money. He names amounts in Venetian gold coins (dhahab banādiqa) and Ibrāhīmīs. ASE.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic mentioning Ḥafıẓ Aḥmad Pasha, Khiḍr Pasha, and māl al-sulṭān. There was probably once another page of the letter with its beginning. Needs further examination.
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic ca.1800 CE from Nissim Masīs (?) to Karo y Frances & Co.
Two late letters in Judaeo-Arabic (original and response?). One is signed Yūsuf b. Qawwāl and the other Avraham Galianṣ (?). Needs further examination.
Small fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, probably medieval, possibly an appeal for charity. The addressee seems to be Abū l-Surūr.
Fragment of a letter containing the address only: to Peraḥ b. [Mu'ammal?] Rosh ha-Pereq.
Beginning of a late letter in Hebrew to Shelomo [..] regarding a man named Yaʿaqov Naḥman b. Shemuel and a woman named [...] bt. Moshe.
Business letter in Ladino. Join by Idan Perez.
Fragment (upper right corner) of a late letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
See ENA NS 37.2 Needs further examination.
Fragment (lower right corner) of a late letter in Hebrew. Mentions a consul (הקונסילו); someone going to Egypt/Fustat; "I looked everywhere and found no cure except for this. . . ." The writer signs Yaʿaqov Sh[...].
Letter fragment "in the handwriting of Natan ha-Kohen b. Mevorakh (the grandson), written in his name and that of Yeshuʿa b. Yefet; his son Mevorakh is a signatory thereto as well; their ‘alāma: yeshaʿ rav (‘a great salvation’ like that of the Gaon Shelomo b. Yehuda). Yeshuʿa ‘the excellent (haver), the judge’ b. Yefet was also one of the scholars in Ascalon at the beginning of the twelfth century, and it seems that he was a partner of the Natan ha-Kohen family in managing the affairs of the Ascalon community (see: 588, upper margin, line 7; 589, upper margin, line 6)." Gil, History of Palestine, 199, note 73. Ṣedaqa ha-Zaqen is also mentioned here.