Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Literary. Small fragment.
Ladino translation of the genealogy section of Genesis. Calligraphic. Very small fragment.
Literary. Biblical quotations about oxen.
Literary. Small fragment.
Literary. Commentary on Kings.
Literary. Fragment of a haggada.
Literary, Hebrew.
Literary. Talmudic commentary in Judaeo-Arabic mentioning Rav Hayya.
Literary, Hebrew.
Literary, Hebrew.
Verso: Literary. A Judaeo-Arabic transcription of an Arabic poem, telling the story of the falcon (bāz) who caught the songbird (ʿuṣfūr) but let it go after it begged for mercy. Goitein suggests that a preacher wished to use the story in a sermon. It is an approximate equivalent of an Arabic poem that can be found in literary anthologies. According to al-Abshīhī in Al-Mustaṭraf Fī Kull Fann Mustaẓraf, a certain Naṣr b. Manīʿ who had been sentenced to death recited this poem before the caliph. ASE ( زعموا بأن الصقر صادف مرة ... عصفور بر ساقه التقدير ) ( فتكلم العصفور تحت جناحه ... والصقر منقض عليه يطير ) ( إني لمثلك لا أتمم لقمة ... ولئن شويت فإنني لحقير ) ( فتهاون الصقر المدل بصيده ... كرما وأفلت ذلك العصفور )
Literary. The book of Numbers with targum.
Fragment of a Haggadah.
Literary, Hebrew.
Literary. Bible.
Fragment of an Aramaic literary source.
Fragment of a literary source.
Hebrew qinot mentioning the Spanish exile.
Fragment of a Hebrew literary source.
Literary. Bible.