Type: Letter

10477 records found
Letter fragment in Arabic script. Mentions payments of dinars.
Letter fragment in Arabic script.
Letter in Arabic script mentioning al-Shaykh al-Sadīd. On verso, maybe poetry in Arabic script.
Letter in Arabic script. In a crude hand. Begins with the glyph. Fragment (upper half only). Not much is preserved beyond the respectful opening greetings.
Letter in Arabic script. Small fragment (upper right corner).
Mercantile letter in Arabic script. Mentions myrobalan (halīlaj) and animal drivers (mukāriyyīn). Needs examination.
Letter fragment in Arabic script. Includes the word "faḍīḥa" and reported dialogue. Join with ENA NS 83.213?
Letter fragment in Arabic script. Join with ENA NS 83.212?
Letter in Arabic script. Dated: 29 Dhū l-Qaʿda 12[.]0 AH, which is 1796 CE at the earliest. This date may in fact belong to a separate document sharing the same page. Underneath it are two lines in Judaeo-Arabic. Needs further examination
Letter in Arabic script. Either to or from Maʿānī from his 'brother.' Small fragment (upper right corner of recto). All that is left is the closing greetings: to Bū l-Faḍl and his family; to Abū ʿImrān and his family; to Abū ʿAlī and his brother Sayyid al-Ahl; to the sender's brother-in-law Abū l-Faḍl.
Verso: Informal note addressed to 'my lord and master al-rayyis.' Unclear what the content is. Ends "waffaqahu allāh taʿālā in shāʾ allāh." On recto there is Arabic love poetry (to paraphrase, 'my nights with the beloved passed in a flash, and now that they're gone, my night is the night of the blind with no hope of morning') عهدي بنا ورداء الوصل [يجمعنا] والليل اطوله كاللمح بالبصر والآن ليلي مذ غابوا فديتهم ليل الضرير وصبحى غير منتظر
Letter fragment in Arabic script. Opens with greetings to the mother. Mentions Naṣr al-Dīn. The address on verso is written in a different hand: to be delivered to Abū l-Riḍā. Then in Judaeo-Arabic: "from his mother." So perhaps one side is the response to the other side.
Letter in Arabic script. Fragment (upper left corner of recto). The sender is awaiting an order or rescript to a petition (wa-anā muntaẓir al-tawqīʿ bi-[...]). Mentions business matters. Some of the address is preserved. From Yaʿqūb b. [...] to [...] in the Market of the Perfumers (in Fustat). Includes the common phrase "balligh tuʾjar" (deliver and be rewarded).
Small fragment of a letter in Arabic script. Mentions "the community" (al-jamāʿa).
Letter in Arabic script. Fragment from the middle. Ends with greetings, then, "Everything will turn out well hopefully. Written on 19 Jumādā II" (year not given).
Letter in Arabic script.
Letter in Arabic script. Fragment (upper right corner of recto). The address (to Fustat, market of the perfumers) is partially preserved. Needs further examination.
Letter fragment in Arabic script. Related to ENA NS 83.300?
Business letter in Arabic script. Small fragment (lower left corner).
Narrative report in Arabic script. Letter, legal query, or literary? Mentions a Jewish man, perhaps named Yūsuf, who came before a governor (wālī). Then refers to "a group of physicians, Muslims and others... and he wished for me to grant him permission to treat...." Needs further examination.