Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Literary. Piyyutim.
Literary. Hebrew and Aramaic commentary discussing angels.
Talmudic commentary? Literary.
Literary text. In a Romance language, written in Latin script.
Story in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning Ḥārūn b. Yaʿīsh and ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Kohen.
Several folios from the Torah in Samaritan script.
Literary text (Talmud?) with a colophon giving the date of copying: Nisan 502[.] AM, which is the 1260s CE.
Literary. Discussing angels, lightning, the revelation of Isaiah.
Literary. Biblical passages with Targum.
Literary. Discussing bediqat ḥameẓ
Literary. Hebrew poems, including by Yehuda ha-Levi and Avraham Ibn Ezra.
Literary.Commentary on mishnayot of Sanhedrin and Avot.
Literary work whose nature is not immediately clear.
Literary work on the blowing of the shofar.
Deuteronomy 28.
A strikingly scorched fragment of Esther.
Isaiah 29.