Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Three different literary fragments, though the top two may be from the same source.
Three different literary fragments, though the top two may be from the same source.
Three different literary fragments, though the top two may be from the same source.
Index of biblical quotations starting with ve-Lo.
Large fragment in Samaritan script. Torah, probably.
Hebrew piyyut.
Literary. Sharṭ al-Alḥān wa-Uṣūl al-Tanqīṭ by Ibn Asher (ZL). (Information from Goitein's index card.)
A folio from a Judaeo-Arabic epistle/treatise on Hebrew grammar, listing the Masoretic pedigree of Aharon b. Moshe b. Asher, also mentioning R. Moshe Moheh and Moshe ha-'Azzati ha-Naqdan, and then going into a discussion of rules of sheva and dagesh. The exact same text (though not from this manuscript) appears as an appendix in several editions of Diḳduḳe ha-ṭeʻamim easily found on Google Books, but the author does not appear to be known (one Russian edition from 1886 speculates Dunash b. Tamim ha-Bavli). ASE.
List of Talmudic sages.
Recto: A gripping tale of King Solomon battling the demons. Verso: Judaeo-Arabic poetry, probably related to the same story (lots of precious gems are mentioned on both recto and verso). ASE.
A panegryic in honor of a Babylonian dignitary. (Information from Goitein’s index card)
Astrological text in Arabic script. Reused for Hebrew liturgical text.
The names of rabbinic sages, esp. those of Pirkey Avot, with lines of Hebrew poetry after each set of names.
Hebrew poems for Purim in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. ASE
Almost too damaged to identify. Possibly Talmud or Talmudic commentary, since among the surviving words are "the [priest] anointed for war" and "with a vow to annul."
Almost too damaged to identify. Probably Talmudic or halakhic. Quotes Leviticus 11:42, refers to laws of purity (recto) and slaves (verso).
Literary. Beginning of Chapter 24 from a late ethical treatise ("Four things are better old than new"), with commentary underneath.
Literary. Beginning of Chapter 7 from a late ethical treatise ("The letter that Aristotle wrote to Alexander of Macedon on the behavior of kings"). It also gives Alexander's reply and Aristotle's reply.
Leaf from a manuscript of the Hebrew version of Menashshe ben Israel's "Miqve Yisra'el" including the section on the Spanish Expulsion.